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Creation 2015 / Revival 2021 for 2 dancers

  • Duration: 30min
  • Choreography: Soria Rem & Mehdi Ouachek
  • Performing dancers : Soria Rem, Inès Valarcher (Auriane Viel in the 2015 version)
  • Lighting design: Jean-Yves Desaint Fuscien
  • Production: Cie Art Move Concept
  • Supported by Théâtre de Chelles, Espace Prévert Scène du Monde in Saivigny-le-Temple, Théâtre Les Gémeaux / Scène Nationale / Sceaux, Café Danses Bobby Sand in Savigny-le-Temple

“A dancer’s body never stops changing. It sculpts movement through time, inking its history and future into each gesture. In turn child, then wife and mother, she dances, against all odds, living the moment and the one after. She details every aspect of her life, every feeling. Without half-measures, in the ink of her body. Two women, two bodies, two paths, so different yet sharing the same path, express their experiences in this scenic space where each choreography is a hymn to the life journey of the women they were, are and will be.”

Soria Rem and Mehdi Ouachek

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