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Creation 2020 for 9 dancers

  • Running time: 1h – young audience version 40min
  • Choreography: Soria Rem & Mehdi Ouachek
  • Performing dancers : Jackson Ntcham, Artëm Orlov, Kevin Mischel, Manon Mafrici, Ines Valarcher, Simhamed Benhalima, Lucie Dubois, Soria Rem, Mehdi Ouachek
  • Music: Jean du Voyage, with additional music
  • Lighting design: Jean-Yves Desaint Fuscien
  • Production: Cie Art Move Concept
  • Co-Production: Les Gémeaux / Sceaux / Scène Nationale, Théâtre-Sénart / Scène Nationale, CCN de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne / Compagnie Käfig – directed by Mourad Merzouki
  • Supporters: Région Ile-de-France, Caisse des Dépôts, Café Danses Bobby Sand in Savigny-le-Temple, La Scène du Loing in Nemours

Soria and Mehdi sign their most personal piece with “Anopas”, a tribute to the careers of the company’s artists.
In it, they share their own anecdotes through their highly singular style, blending their hip-hop roots with the fluidity of contemporary dance and the circus arts.
Always inspired by Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, they share the difficulties and joys of the artistic path, sometimes with silent-film humor, sometimes with melancholy.
In “Anopas”, the duo invite the audience into the intimacy of their journey, sown with doubts and the fears of those around them, but also with success and happiness.

This 6th opus is the logical follow-up to the last two, “Exit” and “Fli”.
Based on everyday situations, Soria Rem and Mehdi Ouachek have fun twisting and distorting reality to reveal the extraordinary.
The notion of dreams and inner conflict is once again omnipresent.
This time, the choreographers focus on building the characters – inspired by the performers’ own experiences – and highlighting their inner psychological battles, based on different life stories.

“A lovely piece written by Soria Rem and Mehdi Ouachek, for nine performers (including the choreographers) that underlines the links between hip hop dance and the mime arts, all the more so as it refers to Charlie Chaplin and above all to his film Les Temps Modernes. With sepia-toned costumes, precise, human gestures and a wide variety of hip hop styles, ballet accents and circus-like contortion, this is a mosaic of tableaux nourished by the performers’ desire and suffering to make dance their profession. A beautiful tribute to “our steps”, their steps, dance steps and life steps, as well as to the diversity that makes up this country and its choreographic culture”.
Thomas Hann, Danser Canal Historique – November 2020


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